Dicord YT Chrome Extension

Discord YT Chrome Extension is an extention that displays what youtube video/music you are listening to on your discord profile

It uses your user token or bot token to make api calls from your account and uses the wrapper discord.js for api calls

You can also choose if you want to display only music or both music and videos

Discord TOS says they do not allow self-bots which this program is. HOWEVER, if you set the status to "Playing" instead of "Listening" or "Watching", there is no way to tell if you are using a self. There is an option in the extension to do that.

As long as you aren't in any public servers, it should be completely ok.

To download the extension, clone or download the zip from my github at Discord YT Chrome Extension

Go into your Chrome extensions page and make sure developer's mode is on. Unzip the folder and press Load Unpacked. Select the unzipped folder in the popup that appears. Click on the extension in the top right of your chrome window and follow the directions to use. GLHF!