Silicon Valley Youth

Silicon Valley Youth is a nonprofit organization based in Silicon Valley that seeks to bring quality extracurricular education to middle and early high school students as well as helping underserved school districts and families. SVY has donated over fifty thousand dollars to these school districts and continues to do so.

I am the webmaster that maintains and updates the website. Some of my additions have been an email system and a payment system.

Silicon Valley Youth

The payment system I implemented uses the Stripe api as well as a remote Node.js server to ensure secure payments. This payment system made it easier for SVY to track their income as well as create a further committment to attending the class.

We used to ask for payment on the second class so we had a lot of no-shows which affected those on the waitlist. This payment greatly decreased the no-show rate and also made refunds and payment checks much easier since we had payment records.

I implemented the Email system for SVY to save emails for further outreach. These emails were saved in an interesting way: google sheets. Since I was not the one sending emails and I wanted the presidents to be able to access emails easily, google sheets was a fast, accessible, and secure way to store emails

I also used google sheets to record payment information, omitting private information of course, so that teachers could easily see who had paid and which students have signed up for their class. This was used in conjunction with Stripe's more detailed transaction history.